High Peak Federation

Turing Class - Y5/Y6



Welcome to the Turing Class page.  We are a brand new class and an old class all in one!  Whilst we have a new name, new room and different make up, in some ways we are exactly the same as we used to be. 

We are a lively class, with lots going on, all of the time.  The following information should give you a good idea of what is going on in our class this year. 

School Day

Start:                                                   08:40

End:                                                     15:25

Staff will still meet children on a morning at the far entrance to school.  Children should line up and wait so that the front of the line is opposite the gate, and the line forms beyond.  Please make sure children stand by the fence/wall, so the pavement doesn’t become ‘clogged’ and blocked for other pedestrians. 

At the end of the school day, children will be dismissed into the KS1 playground at 15:25 (sometimes a bit later if we get lost in our class reading book!). Parents collecting children should meet them on this playground, unless children are making their own way home.  Please make sure your child knows exactly what their arrangements are for each day. 


Class Teacher:                                     Mr Senior                                 [email protected] 


SEND Support Staff:                           Mrs Shandley


We are very fortunate to have some highly talented and dedicated teaching assistants to support the children in Alan Turing Class this year. 


Swimming and PE

PE sessions for Alan Turing Class will be on Wednesdays. Children should make sure their PE kits are always in school for these sessions. 

Swimming will take place on Monday mornings. Alan Turing Class will swim until Feb Half-Term. Please meet at 08:45 at the Leisure Centre on Monday morning for these sessions (More information regarding this will be sent separately). 

Musical Instrument Tuition

We will be learning a new instrument as a class during this year led by Derbyshire Music Partnership.

Fun Stuff

Alan Turing Class staff are looking into the possibility of a number of trips and engagement activities to enhance learning in every subject.  Please look out for more communication regarding these as it becomes available. 



Autumn Term

We have a really busy term coming up, with loads going on.  If you want a sneak peak at what we're going to be up to, have a look below. 

Each term the page will be updated with what to expect that term and all of the exciting things that are going to be going on. 


The whole Year

There is a lot going on throughout the whole year too.  If you want a sneaky peak at what to expect, take a look below. 


Two year Plan

Because we're a mixed Year 5 and 6 class, we work on a two year alternate plan.  This year we're working through Year A, and in 2025 - 2026 we will be working on Year B. 

Have a sneaky preview of what is coming up in the next two years.

Zones of Regulation 

Over the past couple of years we have been working using 'Zones of Regulation' to support children in their emotional development and resilience. 

Below is an example of how this works and how we might use it in class to support the children. 

Useful Information

We use Google Classroom in Turing Class.  Below is a user-guide to help you get set up at home. 

 Google Classroom User Guide.pdfDownload
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Examples of learning


 When we were Mersey Class we did so much fun stuff throughout the year.  Below are some examples of the exciting things we've done. 

Joe 90 Topic Videos


Our introductory topic for 2023 was to learn about the hit 80s kids show, 'Joe 90' (not because Mr Senior is and was a total geek or anything!). We made our own puppet videos of Joe 90 stories. some examples are below.

Mersey Class Anti-Bullying Video

We engaged in Anti-Bullying Week 2023 and put this video together. Hope you enjoy it...

Extracting Fruit DNA in Science

As part of our Evolution and Inheritance topic in Science, we learnt about genes and DNA.  We found a fantastic way to extract DNA from fruit and tried it out ourselves. 

Treak Cliff Cavern Trip

To enhance our learning in Science and Geography, we went on a trip to Treak Cliff Cavern. 

Building Christmas Houses

Our Design Technology topic in Autumn Term was Building Christmas Houses. 

Our design process was based on a design brief from a company wanting to build these to sell. 

We tested different materials, made our own designs, learnt different techniques for cutting and joining, then we made prototypes before the final build. 

We used lots of measuring, cutting and joining techniques to build the houses out of wood and card.  Some of us added electrical circuits to make them light up. 

It was a race to the finish line to get them done!

Young Voices 2024

We joined a choir of 9000 children at this year's Young Voices Concert in Manchester.  

It was a brilliant event to be a part of. 

Heart Dissections in Science

In our Animals, Including Humans topic in Science in Spring Term, we learnt about the human circulatory system. 

To help us learn about the different parts of the heart, we dissected animal hearts to find the different features. 

Trip to London

In Spring Term we were learning about Ancient Greece in History and Democracy in PSHCE.  To help us learn about these, how democracy began and how it works today, we went to London to visit the Houses of Parliament. 

It was outstanding!

Greek Food

As part of our Geography topic about Modern Greece, we made some Greek food recipes. 

There were many delicious smells wafting around school that day!

Residential- Lea Green

We had an awesome time getting wet, dirty and tired on residential at Lea Green.