High Peak Federation


All applications for places have to be made through Derbyshire County Council. 

The application process is very simple. You can apply for a place online at www.derbyshire.gov.uk/admissions or by ringing Call Derbyshire on 01629 533190.

You are welcome to register an interest with the school and we would always advise that you come in to meet us, have a tour of the school, tell us about your child and allow us to answer any questions you may have. Either call in to make an appointment, or give Miss Tinker or Mrs Upton a call and they will be happy to arrange an appointment for you.

When you apply online, you will need to give a username and password.  Online applications will be issued with a unique identification number.  Please make a note of these details.

Call Derbyshire is open between 8am and 8pm, Monday to Friday, and Saturdays 9.30am to 4pm


Thornsett County Primary School, which is a Derbyshire County Council LEA day school, caters for children who are almost 5 through to 11 years. Although our school building was 140 years old in 2018, we strive to provide a challenging and far reaching education for our pupils. The staff form a hard working, experienced team who are committed to creating a secure and stimulating environment where children of all abilities can fulfill their potential both academically and socially. High standards are set and maintained within a caring, friendly atmosphere which contributes to the school’s strong sense of community both within the school itself and within the local catchment area.

Thornsett Primary School serves a mixed catchment area with approximately 80 pupils on roll.  There are currently four classes in the school: Reception and Year 1, Year 2, Year 3 and Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6.

Thornsett is part of the High Peak Federation – alongside Newtown Primary School.

Life of the School

Ethos, Vision and Values

Our Vision informs what we constantly strive for. At its heart is an Ethos focused on your child, every child.

  • To provide a caring, ‘can-do’ Federation, where every child feels safe and valued.

  • To foster a stimulating and engaging environment, where every child feels motivated to learn.

  • To deliver a varied and creative curriculum, where every child is engaged.

  • To be a foundation for future learning, where every child knows how to learn and is inspired to keep learning.

Our Values guide our behaviour. They inform the decisions we make, how learning is approached, and the skills needed in modern Britain. They are embedded in all we do: 

  • Resilience: We have inner strength to keep trying.

  • Empathy: We consider others.

  • Self-Awareness: We are proud of who we are.

  • Positivity: We are confident.

  • Excellence: We work hard to do our best.

  • Creativity and Communication: We develop our own ideas and express them to others.

  • Teamwork: We work together


We aim to develop self discipline in pupils and to create a positive atmosphere in school so that effective learning can take place and in which there is mutual respect between all staff and pupils. Our approach to discipline ensures that this learning takes place in a positive, secure and pleasant environment which has consistent boundaries and expectations of behaviour. We positively encourage good behaviour and acknowledge this with praise, stickers, certificates and accumulative class rewards. We positively challenge bad behaviour and have a range of sanctions to discourage what is unacceptable.

Any behaviour which consistently falls below our acceptable standards will be reported to parents and close co-operation between home and school will be sought in order to remedy the problem.

Starting School

Admissions Policy

The maximum number of children to be admitted each year is 15. In the event of over-subscription priority, please refer to DCC Oversubscription Guidance.

Parents considering applying for a place for their child are welcome to visit the school by appointment with the Head teacher. 

Letters advising parents of their position will be sent out as soon as school is informed by DCC.


Parents of all the children who will be starting school during the next academic year will be invited to a New Parents’ meeting. This is held during the Summer term when you will be able to meet members of staff and other parents. The meeting gives parents the opportunity to ask questions about aspects of school life in an informal setting. During the term before your child is due to start school she/he will be invited to attend several sessions with the Reception class teacher and enjoy a school dinner too.

… And Leaving

Transfer to Secondary School

Most children leaving Thornsett transfer to New Mills School. We maintain close links with the secondary school and arrangements are made for the Y5 and Y6 pupils to meet their future teachers. By the time they leave us the children will have had a number of visits to New Mills School. Where children transfer to other Secondary Schools, we ensure we liaise closely with them so all relevant information is provided, alongside visits too.


We aim to provide a broad curriculum in accordance with the statutory guidelines of the National Curriculum. The curriculum is delivered through a mixture of subject based and topic approaches, following key principles of our Essentials Curriculum and RESPECT values.


Policy Statements

The school staff and Governors have policies on all subject areas. Copies of our policies are available in school for inspection by parents, as are documents and regulations relating to the National Curriculum.

Teaching Groups

Children are taught in a variety of ways. They may be taught as a class, in a group or individually depending on the subject and the needs and abilities of the children. Occasionally, children may be grouped by ability for some areas of learning. Careful planning and assessment ensures that work is provided at an appropriate level for the full range of ability in each class.

Parental Involvement

We consider a partnership with parents to be vital in helping children to learn and achieve their potential. We encourage parents to become involved both at home and at school. At home parents are asked to share books and listen to their children read. From time to time teachers may ask parents to help their child with other aspects of the curriculum. In school we welcome any help that parents are able to offer. This may be working alongside us in the classroom or accompanying classes on local walks or trips further afield. We ask all parents who volunteer to help to undertake a police check.

Reporting to Parents

During the year we have two consultation evenings for parents, usually in the Autumn and Summer terms, when you will be able to discuss your child’s progress with the class teacher. At the end of each year you will receive a written report on your child’s progress in all areas of the curriculum.

If you have any queries or concerns about your child please do not hesitate to tell us. We will be pleased to discuss the matter with you. We are usually available directly after school. However, if you think it might take some time, it is better to make an appointment.


Physical Education

At Thornsett the children experience a very wide variety of PE opportunities. Children will engage in weekly Swimming lessons from Year 3 to Year 6, take part in a weekly programme of festivals and competitions with children from other New Mills schools and benefit from Specialist Sports coaching every Friday.

As part of the formal curriculum children are taught overall ball skills, the principle of attack and defence and the skill of sending, receiving and travelling with a ball. In addition the children play small team games and take part in an annual school sports day.

The children take part in a number of events organised by the local schools, including Area Sports Day.

We have been awarded ACTIVEMARK PLATINUM award, which recognises our commitment to delivering high quality PE for all.


Special Educational Needs

We strive to meet the individual needs of all the children in our school. We aim to identify and assess children with special educational needs early on in their school life. We follow a five stage process which involves parents, the class teacher and the school Special Needs Co-ordinator. A register is kept of the children with special needs, recording the steps taken to provide a programme of work suited to each individual.

The full policy for Educational Needs is available in school for inspection by parents if required.

Relationships and Sex Education

Relationships and Sex education is planned as part of the curriculum for personal and social education and health education across the school. We try to introduce sex education through family life and caring relationships.

Any work on animal or plant life will involve facts on reproduction and any questions asked by the children will be answered truthfully and sensitively. 

We have been awarded the BERT Silver Award by DCC, which recognises the excellent support we provide for building effective relationships for all.

R.E and Collective Worship

We live in a multi-cultural society and we study aspects of all faiths in order to engender tolerance and understanding. We currently have fortnightly assemblies led by the 'Open the Book' team - who bring Christian stories to life.

An act of collective worship is held each day.  

Parents have the right to withdraw their children from R.E lessons and the daily act of worship.

School Day

EYFS / KS1 - 8.45 to 3.20 (32.9 hrs / week)

KS2 - 8.45 to 3.25 (33.3 hrs / week)

Complaints about the Curriculum

Most parents feel able to approach the staff if a problem arises. The first person to see is your child’s teacher. If the problem is not resolved at this informal level, then the Head teacher will discuss the matter with the parties involved. The majority of queries and anxieties can be dealt with in this way. However, if the complaint cannot be resolved, there is a formal complaints procedure which will be explained by the Head teacher on request.

School Uniform

Plain Black / Grey Skirt/Trousers/Shorts, Red Polo Shirt, Blue checked summer dress, Blue Sweatshirt or Fleece, Sensible low heeled shoes or black trainers.

Uniform items are available from ‘Headmasters’ in New Mills indoor market.

P.E. Kit

All children need to have elasticated plimsolls, black shorts and a red ‘T’ shirt in a drawstring bag. The kit should be kept in school as it will be used regularly. Junior children also need a spare jumper or tracksuit for outdoor P.E in the colder months. It is essential that they have plimsolls or training shoes to change into for outdoor P.E. For safety reasons we cannot allow them to wear shoes or boots for P.E.


We discourage children from wearing jewellery at school. If earrings are worn, studs are safest. Any jewellery, including earrings, must be removed before games and swimming for safety reasons. Please note that school will not be responsible for such items.

School Bags

Children can bring school bags and rucksacks to school with their belongings. We provide a plastic holder for reading books and book carriers carrying the school logo are available by order through school if required.

Lunch Times

School meals are cooked on the premises and cost at £3.25 a day. Please make payments using our School Money system. Alternatively, send dinner money each Monday morning in an envelope with your child’s name, class and the amount clearly marked. Payment can also be made by cheque, either weekly or termly in advance. Cheques should be made payable to Derbyshire County Council. If you are in receipt of income support your child will be eligible for free school meals. All children in Reception, Year One and Year Two are entitled to a school meal without charge. Please ask the Head teacher or School Secretary for a form. Most children have school meals but you may send a packed lunch for your child if you prefer. Please do not send glass containers, hot or fizzy drinks.

The children are looked after by midday supervisors whilst eating and in the playground. We expect the children’s manners and behaviour to be just as good during lunch times as it is during lesson times.


In order for your child to make satisfactory educational progress, it is important that she/he attends school regularly and arrives on time. Please advise the school on the morning of the first day of absence either in writing or by telephone if your child is absent for any reason. If your child is ill during the night it is often wiser to keep them at home the following day than to risk passing on infection to other children. Children are permitted time off for hospital and dental appointments. Please send a note to your child’s teacher beforehand giving details of the arrangements.

Unauthorised Absence

Please try to book family holidays during the extensive school holidays. Time off for additional holidays should be avoided if at all possible. The school should be notified in advance if you wish to take your child out during term time and a holiday request form completed. Absence not cleared by school counts as unauthorised absence on your child’s school records.

Medicines in School

Wherever practicable, prescribed medicines should be administered by parents out of school time. It is sometimes possible for your doctor to prescribe medicine where the doses can be given before and after school, you just need to ask. Occasionally this may not be possible, in which case there are two options.

  1. Parents could come into school to administer the medicine.

  2. We could administer the medicine. In this case we would have to follow certain procedures in order to comply with the LEA guidelines.

    1. The medicine should be brought into school by the parents, not the child and delivered to the secretary.

    2. The medicine should be clearly marked with contents, owner’s name and dosage.

    3. A signed, written request must be made to the Head teacher to accompany the medicine. A form for this purpose is available from the school office.

    4. Ideally only enough medicine for that day should be sent in, particularly tablets.

Non-prescribed Medicines

We are not allowed to keep paracetamol, aspirin or any medicines containing these substances (e.g. Calpol) in school. The above procedure must be followed if you think your child might need medication for a specific day.

Road Safety

The Crossing Patrol person is a very important person in your child’s life. Please teach your child to cross the road only under his/her directions, in a straight line from the pavement to the school steps.

If you bring your child to school by car, please make sure he/she gets out on the pavement south of the school. Please drive very slowly all the way along the road to slow down other traffic.

If you are coming into school please park on the school side of the road beyond the north gate, i.e. nearer to Aspenshaw. Please do not park opposite the entrance to Doctor’s End.

Please see that children never have to step off the pavement to get round you or your push-chair, and see that your children stay on the pavement to the end of the road.

School Outings

Educational visits are arranged to complement the work the children are doing in school, we ask parents to make a financial contribution to cover the cost of these visits. Although these contributions are voluntary, without them the school would not be able to fund such visits. Parents who might find it difficult to pay are asked to come in to school to discuss the matter confidentially with the Head teacher. No child will be excluded because they cannot afford the cost.

Residential Week

Year 5 and 6 children have the opportunity of a place on an annual residential visit in the Summer term. A range of activities and visits are included during the week. The trip is organised and accompanied by members of staff. The residential visit is subject to a minimum take-up.

Community Involvement


The school has an active Parent Teachers Association which organises many successful fund-raising and social events. Parents are automatically members of the association and are invited to attend meetings which are informal and welcoming.


The school offers a wide range of extra curricular clubs including Singing, Zumba, Mindfulness, Spanish, Journalism, Sports and Being Creators.

Lettings Policy

We are happy to consider the use of the School’s premises outside normal school hours for extra-curricular and Social functions. Each application will be viewed on its individual merits and consent given where the proposed use is not in conflict with the interests of policies of the School or contrary to normal social and moral standards.

We recognise the invaluable contribution of the P.T.A towards the School’s budget hence use for Social or Fund-raising events by or on behalf of the P.T.A will normally be permitted without charge.

Use by other individuals or bodies would be dealt with on an Ad Hoc basis and a reasonable charge made where appropriate. To avoid this falling as a burden to teaching or other staff, those using the School’s premises are expected to leave them in at least as tidy a condition as they found them. Smoking is not permitted on the School premises at any time.

Use of the School Sports facilities by organisation or individuals will also be considered. Again the proposed use must not be contrary to the best interests of the School and individual cases looked at on merit. The policy for charging for these facilities is as set out previously. Whilst the school accepts that the type of activity for which the Sports Ground would normally be used will inevitably result in some ‘wear and tear’, abnormal damage would be the responsibility of those booking the facility.

The individuals arranging the booking and organising the event for which the facility is booked shall be responsible for the conduct and safety of guests attending. Enquiries regarding booking should be addressed initially to the school secretary.

Other Information

Child Protection / Safeguarding

Parents should be aware that the school is required to take any reasonable action to ensure the safety of its pupils. In cases where the school has reason to be concerned that a child may be subject to ill-treatment, neglect or other forms of abuse the Head teacher is obliged to follow Safeguarding (Child Protection) procedures.

Data Protection

Basic information is now held on the computer to assist with the efficient organisation of the school and the children’s educational needs. Security measures are taken to ensure that the information is kept confidential and is only available to authorised staff. It may be used for statistical purposes, but this will not enable any individuals to be identified. The school has registered with the Data Protection Registrar details of persons to whom they may wish to disclose information. By law, under the provisions of the Data Protection Act 1998, information may only be disclosed to other persons in accordance with this registration.

The school is registered to disclose personal information to family, relatives, guardians/trustees, the Department for Education, and the Local Education Authority. It is the policy of the Governors that such information is confidential and that, even where a need to disclose such information has been registered, it will only be divulged in exceptional circumstances and be kept to the minimum necessary to achieve the purpose. The policy is, of course, subject to any law which imposes a duty of disclosure on the Governors.

If you are concerned about any aspect of personal information held on the computer, please contact the Head teacher in the first instance or write to the Data Protection Liaison Officer, Education Department, Derbyshire County Council, County Offices, Matlock, DE4 3AG.

School Context


Newtown Primary School serves a mixed catchment area with approximately 80 pupils on roll.  There are currently four classes in the school: Acorns – Reception and Year 1, Seedlings – Year 2 and Year 3, Saplings - Year 4 and Year 5 and Oak - Years 6.

Newtown is part of the High Peak Federation – alongside Thornsett Primary School.

Ethos, Vision and Values

Our Vision informs what we constantly strive for. At its heart is an Ethos focused on your child, every child.

  • To provide a caring, ‘can-do’ Federation, where every child feels safe and valued.

  • To foster a stimulating and engaging environment, where every child feels motivated to learn.

  • To deliver a varied and creative curriculum, where every child is engaged.

  • To be a foundation for future learning, where every child knows how to learn and is inspired to keep learning.

Our Values guide our behaviour. They inform the decisions we make, how learning is approached, and the skills needed in modern Britain. They are embedded in all we do: 

  • Resilience: We have inner strength to keep trying.

  • Empathy: We consider others.

  • Self-Awareness: We are proud of who we are.

  • Positivity: We are confident.

  • Excellence: We work hard to do our best.

  • Creativity and Communication: We develop our own ideas and express them to others.

  • Teamwork: We work together


Admissions to Infant/Primary Schools 

Applications need to be submitted by mid January 2025

  • The quickest and easiest way to apply is online at www.derbyshire.gov.uk/admissions - (*please see note below)

  • Apply by phone by ringing Call Derbyshire on 08456 058 058. This facility is available between 8am and 8pm Monday to Friday or 9.30am and 4pm on Saturday.

  • Parents who prefer a paper application form may obtain one from the Admissions and Appeals Team by e-mailing [email protected] or by ringing 01629 537499.

* If you require assistance with the on-line application, please contact the Miss Tinker, or Mrs Upton, in the school office who can book an appointment with you to make the application in school.


If your child is of school age and attends a Derbyshire school, you will be required to complete an In-year Transfer Form available from our school office or you can contact admissions on the above telephone number.


Admission Policy

Children are admitted to Newtown Primary at the beginning of the Autumn Term. Children enter school full time if they have their fifth birthday between 1st September and 31st August.

Children are invited to join our pre-school sessions in the summer term before the September in which they are due to start school. These sessions will benefit the children by familiarising them with the environment, the teachers, Key Stage 1 children and the systems and procedures they will encounter in Reception class. Information on the session dates will be sent to you in the May prior to September start.

We hold an open evening in June each year for the parents of all the children due to start school the following academic year.

Parents considering applying for a place for their child are welcome to visit school by appointment with the Headteacher.


Government evidence shows that there is a clear relationship between a child’s attendance in school and his/her academic progress and success.

The Government places the responsibility of getting a child into school every day and on time on the parents.  We request that contact is made with school before 9.15am if your child is ill and will be absent from school.



It is important that your child arrives on time for school.  At 8.50 am the school playground is open for children to arrive and chat to friends with a staff member on duty.  The school bell is rung at 8.55 am ready for 9.00 am registration.  Class groups line up in the main playground. Please see the attached Every School Day Counts.


Reception Class arrangements

We ask that Class 1 parents drop their child in the classroom from 8.55 am which gives time for staff and parents to chat.  At the end of a school day, Class 1 will be open from 3.20 pm to enable parents to pick up their child from the classroom and let them share their day’s work with the parent/person collecting them.


Authorised Absence

The Government has recently made amendments to the Education (Pupil Registration) (England) Regulations 2006 which come into force on 1st September 2013. These state that Headteachers may not grant any leave of absence for holidays during the term time unless there are exceptional circumstances; in these cases it is the Headteacher who determines the number of days a child can be away from school if the leave is granted.

Parents needing leave of absence for exceptional circumstances should complete a form at least two weeks before the anticipated start date. The reason for the request should be given in detail. Applications should be made before the leave is arranged as absences will not be granted retrospectively.

Unauthorised absences may incur penalties for parents.

Staff & Governors

Head teachers:
Mr Parry – Executive Head teacher

Mrs Holt – Assistant Head teacher


Teachers:                                       Teaching & Learning Assistants:
Mrs Holt                                          Miss Thomas     

Mrs Jones                                       Miss Bramwell       Mrs Devlin

Miss Fitzpatrick                               Mrs McCartney     Mrs Burgess       

Mr Whibley                                      Miss Andrews

School Business Officer:   

Miss Tinker   

School Business Assistant:     

Mrs Upton 

Midday Supervisors:

Mrs Jodrell

Mrs Burgess

Miss Thomas

Miss Bramwell - Senior MDS

Caretaking & Cleaning:
Mr Hibbert

Governing Body:



















Executive Head teacher Mr Parry is the Designated Safeguarding Lead. 

SENCO Mrs Holt (Acorn Class) is also Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead.

Please report anything of concern that arises during the school day.


A Day at Newtown Primary School

32.5 hrs per week 

7.45      The out-of-school care club, ‘Foxes Den’, begins in the school



8.50      Teachers of classes go into the playground to supervise unaccompanied children and be available for parents. 


9.00      Teachers bring the children in from the playground and the day begins with registration on line – TAs can log in - and dinner register for school dinner or “sandwiches” (packed lunch).


9.10-30 Whole school Phonics – six groups, mixed from all classes.  See rota in staffroom for group and venue.



9.10      Good work Assembly; all staff attend and parents are invited, phonics follows immediately after.


10.40    Morning break for 15 minutes, staff to supervise as per rota.


12.00    Dinner in the hall for, Playtime for other classes.

              Midday Supervisors collect children from classes.


1.00    Midday supervisors bring children to classes for



1.15      Midday supervisors bring Acorns children to class for



2.15      Assembly Mon, Tues, Wed, Fri.  See staffroom for rota.


2.25      Juniors have a 10 minute break [discretionary]


2.40      Infants have a 10 minute break


3.25      Acorns are collected from their classroom.


3.30      Seedlings are dismissed from the playground door, Oaks from the Foxes’ Den door, Saplings from the front door. Foxes’ Den children go straight to the hall when the class is dismissed, taking their coats and bags etc.

              After school activities begin.


The out-of-school care club Foxes’ Den runs until 5.00pm in the School

Hall. The school may also be used in the evening for parents’ meetings

and other events.

Newtown Primary School Uniform        

Many of our parents find it easiest to buy uniform from our New Mills based outfitter, Headmasters in New Mills market. This gives the children a sense of identity and it is not expensive. We expect pupils to dress for work, not leisure, and to be neat and tidy.

Current school uniform is as follows:

Polo shirts - red

Sweatshirts, cardigans or fleeces - black (with school logo available)

Grey trousers or skirts

Black shoes with no heels, or black trainers

Grey tights

Summer options: Red gingham dresses / Grey shorts

Long hair should be tied back and there should be no extreme styles or colour.

No nail colour is to be worn in school and no jewellery except simple stud earrings and a watch are permitted.

Reading folders for carrying books, homework and letters etc. are provided free when children begin school - replacements can be purchased from the school office if necessary.



A change of clothes for PE and games is always needed. PE kit needs to be in school from Monday to Friday in a drawstring PE bag.

Red & black sports top  

Black shorts or PE skirt

spare jumper and/or tracksuit for outdoor wear during colder months.

PE footwear – black pumps or trainers

Winter option: black jogging pants for outdoor wear

Children have a weekly swimming lesson at New Mills Leisure Centre, so need to bring swimwear and a towel in a named, waterproof bag.

Term Time After School Clubs 

All week:      The Foxes’ Den Out of School Care Club operates a breakfast and after school club term time.  Opening from 7.45am – 9.00 am and 3.25 pm – 5.00 pm.  Supervisor, Mrs J McCartney and her team provide a stimulating and fun time. Activities include: Art & Crafts, Baking, Around the World Wednesday, Messy Thursday and lots of special events such as Cinema Night, PJ Party and much more. Please see the Foxes Den section on the website for prices and further information.


Lunch Time Clubs

Our Year 6 buddies offer a range of activities during the week on rota basis:

e.g. Lego Club, Craft Club, Board Games Club, Behind the Net, Sports Games, Circle Games, Jackanory and Connect 4.